Sunday, August 3, 2008

InSoMniA SuCks !!!

3. 00 am..
i hate this..

for the past 2 weeks i got no sweet dream, no good nite sleep..

including nOW !!

so, i search on web for some simple tips to help me get to sleep..

below are some of it:-

mandi malam x elok lagipun x berani..hehe

listen to music x bg efek cuz i will sing along..

milk??? herb tea?? not my stuff..

bedtime snack?? only McD works for me, tp kalo McD tiap2 mlm..bankrup!!

Counting sheep, never done it b4..

i miss my ' bantal bucuk' at home..tetinggal..usually i rub it b4 sleep..

hehehe x snonoh tol ...
so, what should i do ?????

now im blogging and watch movie JUST FRIENDS online..

hoping mate nie jadi berat dan tetutup..


Anonymous said...

mekdi menggemokkan la...hahaha...

arEnA aMerA said...

haha..sekali sekala..bukn slalu..

Anonymous said...

juz like i've told u b4,the best medicine 4 insomniac(student especially)would be the notes or books.4 this sem how bout comp,material n environment.give it a try ye!!!!hahaha....

arEnA aMerA said...

old skool...last time i did it ms kat maktab lue..but x de buku yg bleh tandingi buku sejarah for bedtime story...hehe

Anonymous said...

u still la bleh cbe.old stuff usually works u know..