Last friday baru je order Grey's Anatomy season 4..
Saje nak buat collection..
Plus it is one of my fave show..
so, i guess x rugi spend some money on it..
eee..x sbrnyer nak tgk season 4..
with many new casts and conflicts..
Dr Burke dah x de, then george kene repeat internship,
and dgn kehadirn meredith nye adik tiri..
but..i will be missing watak Derek's EX-WIFE...
my FavE of all !!
but congrates to her cause dapat jadi leading lady in Private Practice..
papepun...DVD tue arrive this tuesday..
CaN't WaiT !!!
yang ade dalam genggaman :-
CHARMED - season 1 until season 5
GREY'S ANATOMY - season 1 until season 4
huh,waiting 4 season 4 ye??when will i get to watch the season 3 pnye?dh xlarat aku nk mintk...the story was hanging on the cloud 4 me(the ending of season 2) u know...
br je abes tgk season 4..
x bp happenng..its not like wat i expected ..season 2 and 3 lagi best !!
wait till i watch it(season 4)..but season 3 seems like a breakdown to every charcters...ended up with,i dunno,frustrations..huhu.
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