Before separation class start td, aku melepak dekat area bilik lecturer...then tetibe mateku tertarik dgn board seorg lecturer nie..nak salin ape yg ade kat board malas i took some pics..
In my opinion, bukan sume perempuan mcm tue..
tapi, lain org lain pendapat...
to all girls out there (including me), renung - renungkanlah..
mcm mane ' equation ' nie boleh terbit kalo x de bukti ???

Pic nie plak describe yg 'woman is complicated'..
Pic yg ke-3 nie memang terbukti BENAR !!
no doubt about that..
maybe ade yg x mcm nie..
but i bet the population is minority..
hye.long time no c.
bermasalah sangat ke wanita nie???
orang tengok perempuan ni bermasalah but mereka tak fikir kadang2 mereka yang timbulkan masalah dulu and eventually kita pulak yg turut bermasalah...
bila kita sokong lelaki, tak pulak ramai yang hargai tapi bila kita bermasalah, they see it as a real big deal but then kalau difikir balik it was nothing really, lelaki je exegerate...
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