the video streaming here, is good and you dont have to go to mamak stall to watch it live!!..(for those who dont hv astro..esp students )
Just with 2.0 mbps broadband, it will work smo0thly.
2.49 am: man utd got a penalty kick but ronaldo miss it!!! it happen when ball touch barca's player hand
3.35 am: half time. still 0-0. barcelona got a better chances after man utd miss the penalty but man utd defended it strong.
3.50 am: second half started. Man utd a bit numb today and not at their very best performance
4.30 am: the match ended up with a draw..dissapointed but man u had better chances when they meet again at old trafford for secong leg game..
To avoid such a tragedy happening again, and for the salvation of our children, we are doing a worldwide campaign, displaying the image of NURIN JAZLIN JAZIMIN in blogs all over the world on 25th April 2008. Let's not forget NURIN JAZLIN.
one of the lame match i've ever watched!!!
that's not even a semi-final level...sorry to say...
cant wait for the 2nd leg...
hope MU win...tho i really hate ronaldo...thank god he missed the penalty...haha
hope ferguson will think of letting him go next season...hehe
and believe it or not, i'll be one of MU's die hard fan as soon as he leaves the club!!
-farah kiut-
ronaldo is everything to them..
and there is no way they gonna sell him to other club..
he is the top scorer in EPL..
he's priceless !!
to my dear friend farah,
my advice is, go support other club..ronaldo aint going no where!! no offence lol..hehe
oh really...
we'll see...
i have no problem with ronaldo actually, but i prefer rooney than him...
i mean, i have no right to judge people but he's a celebrity so he deserves to be judged!!=p
he's really arrogant..thats what i dislikes about him...duhh..
and like what the so called MU-die-hard-fan said about beckham before, and what happened to him now,i think ronaldo will follow his footsteps...
tq for dropping by at my blog. just wondering, where did u find my blog? i mean from who's blog? just wanna know.
funny huh? but actually i'm not a funny person.
today is saturday. and tonight will be the clash of the titans. chelsea vs MANCHESTER UNITED!
for some reason..ur opinion cm leh diterima pakai..but for now, i dont want to think bout the future..present is enough for me..luka time beckham pegi real dulupun x terubat, no need to be hurt for a while..(cm tragis putus cinta jer..huhu)
to yeop: game malam nie (saturday) msti tgk.. hoping man utd will get thru it..goooooooooo...MAN U!
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