Friday, April 11, 2008

On 10 april, we had our industrial chemical process test at Ibnu Sina Institute. The institute is exspecially for science students who get excellent result for every semester. Ibnu Sina Institute provide special facilities for them and they are train to be good in research in order to produce great scientist. Last year, if im not mistaken, UTM sent some students from ISI to Harvard for some educational activities. wish it was me..but..nevermind ..

Rite before entering examination hall..SMILE !!!!..then, after the exam finished, we went out and guess what?? we went to the most boring place ever, we have been there thousand times and yet we r going there again bcos its only took us 5 minute to arrived by taxi,it is the nearest shopping complex to UTM ...its...JUSCO !!..

enjoying our meals..

its a tough week with lots of assignment and test, so KFC is like ..a box full of golds !.. as a reward to our success..hehe..

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