Sunday, July 11, 2010

World Cup France 1998 - Best World Cup Ever

Jatuh cinta dengan team Croatia mase world cup 1998,
Croatia dapat third place,
Sangat gumbira !!

then player dorunk (Davor Suker) menang Golden Boot,

and one more thing,
Brazil kene belasah 3-0 dgn France time final..

Time ni jugak la tragedy strike England team,
bile David Beckham kena red card tyme match ngn Argentina..
Sian Beckham..

and Michael Owen jd youngest player ever scored
in WC history (during that time la, now got no clue)..
Tengok matches pon x penah missed,
so dapat full experience..
For World Cup South Africa 2010 terbantut sikit sebab kerja..
lagipun team yang dibangga-banggakan x leh diharap,
so tgk besa-besa je.. :(

Congrates to Spain's Fan,
Berbanggalah anda selagi boleh,
selagi spain x mengikut jejak langkah 
Italy and France..

For the next World Cup 2014,
team underdog leh pegi jauh, 
team AS or South Korea,
contohilah my beloved croatia in WC 1998..

p/s: cepat-cepat la goreng si sotong tu before wc 2014.. =P

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