i want to be a kid again !!
when we were kids, we didnt had much things to take care of. no need to pay for a food, no need to think about laundrys, no need to be friendly to other (cause when kids being cruel people will say " they just a kid" and that's it !), we can go to kingdergarden, do stuff that simple and common to kid such as drawing and coloring then go back home and sleep without having a nightmare that we're gonna be failing in a exam. those days were amazing where no one hates us (maybe), and we dont have to feel the same to other. its easy to say that back to that time, there are no word like RESPONSIBILITIES keep poping in our head. but in present, we have to be reponsible to so many things especially when we are human being that called ADULT ! . decision must be made on our own and its a very tough responsibility because there will be consiquences happen based on the decision whether it is good or bad. i dont like making decision, but i will be happy if my decision turns out to be great, but when it doesn't, i can feel that some people will be blaiming me about what happen. and that kinda suck!!!. recently, i made a terrible mistake in my group project. well i think it is not an unusual things to do because people make mistake but one thing that i really regret that i did it at a wrong time. we suppose to hand it to our lecturer next week but untill now the report cannot be written because we dont have the result yet. by the look at the face of my other group member, i can tell that they are still mad at me for what i've done. i dont know how i want to apologize to them, i did tried but nothings change. this is the worst mistake i've done so far and i dont want anything like it to happen ever again in my life. its so stressfull to be in this situation.
EvERybodY aLwaYs waNt to A kiDdo...
PeLik taPi cOol la Awk...
hey...who doesn't wanna b kids again? those days were days we don't think about problems... and it was the time i was cute...hahaa..now cute no more! lol~
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